

LInear MOdelling (statistics and machine learing) for MEEG data toolbox

A Matlab based toolbox running on top of EEGLAB and FieldTrip for all your statistical analyses. We are looking for more ML models (maybe interact with nylearn), more FieldTrip integration, more source analyses, etc


SPM Utility Plus

Matlab library for SPM to get more out of your data (QA, boosting, adpative thresholding)

BIDS official logo

Brain Imaging Data Structure

EEG: I am co-leader of the BIDS electrophysiology derivatives, work with EEGLAB on building BIDS tools , - get in touch to work any of these EEG open projects

PET: I am one of the main developper of Open NeuroPET, improving on BIDS PET and working on tools and pipelines. Get in touch for more PET data sharing and tools

applied projects

Enough tool building - I want to process data

Over the years I have accumulated too many data that need curated, analyzed and shared. Also there are plenty of data out there we can use. Get in touch if you want to run some project together - remote work is fine, no need to get you up to Danmark, although NRU is great place to work.